Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Review: Night on the Sun (True Blood)


RIP Talbot. I will miss your quips with your sugar daddy (Zee King of Mississippi.)
But Hello very naked Eric!

This week's episode has been dubbed "slow" by other viewers, especially after the intense deaths, blood spouting, and almost-at-heaven experiences of last week's episode. But I honestly don't know what people are talking about. I thought this episode was as intense as any other one (well except maybe Season 2 Finale).

Maybe because the last scenes you are left with are
-A kick ass fight between Debbie and Sookie, in which I suddenly became incredibly impressed by Anna Paquin. 
-A very naked Eric with a naked Talbot, right before Eric drives a stake into Talbot's heart.
-Jessice enjoying (and by enjoying I mean almost completely bathed in and relishing in) a werewolf and his blood.
-A very naked Sookie and Bill reconciling their relationship by having sex and choking each other.

And that was in the last, not-so-slow 5 mins of the show.

The rest of the episode featured Jason thinking he is stronger than he is. I can try and understand his hero complex, but he lives in a world of vampires and werewolves. He shouldn't be going around threatening people he doesn't know. But then again, maybe thats his charm.

Jesus and Lafayette got a second chance at love (and lust). His mom will always be that one chick from Wysteria Lane with the son who got shot.

Sam is dealing with his brother. And there s a new waitres. I loved Arlene snapping at Sam not to sleep with this new waitress. Brings me back to season 2.

Alcide's departure (and hopefully a short once since he is a season regular now :D) was very touching. Sookie and Alcide's chemistry is pretty real and Alcide is probably the only nice hot warm blooded guy on the show. Plus he looks nice in flannel shirts. And thats a fashion trend right now.

Speaking of touching. I almost teared up at the beginning when Bill and Sookie were breaking up. Stephen Moyer is a great actor. You could really feel his pain, as well as his love for Sookie/Anna Paquin. I guess being in love with each other in real life helps acting. But Anna Paquin has great chemistry with every guy on the show (I think its a requirement)

Tara used to be so kick ass and cool. Now all she does is cry. I know she s been through a lot. But its Tara. She s whimpy now. Tara got a bit of her spice back last episode beating Franklin's head in. But it went right down the pipe this episode. :( Give her a chance!

 Don't know. The ending of the episode really overshadowed the first half of it. I guess it was slow. But that last scene, an aerial view of Sookie and Bill's sex scene will probably stand out in my mind. Broken glass, furniture and Bill's mouth covered in blood. That's True Blood for you. A whole lot of bloody messy sex.

Grade: B+

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