Monday, September 13, 2010

Preparing for Cataclysm. (bye bye Undermine)

The reality is this.
Im really upset about the Tree of Life changes.
Namely. Not being in Tree of Life whenever the f**kn hell i feel like it and forever.
Im one of those idiots who will purposely transform into Tree of Life, run around dalaran, do craftings, just cuz i like that little root waddle.
I could also give the reasons losing tree of life is fuckn retarded, but this person does it a lot better than I.
In loo of this very upsetting news, as well as the continued failure of undermine horde, I, along with 4 of my old guild mates, switched realms, and sides to play with another old guild mate. Now the term, Roleplaying, can be kinda freaky if u dont want to Roleplay. well Roleplay is dead on Argent Dawn, so no problem there.
Population is higher, but not explosively full, and activity is, well, active throughout the day. I can pug something at 12 realm time at night, and get through 6/12 at least, if not more.

Because of the impending Tree of Life changes, I also rerolled main classes. I currently sport a restoration shaman, whom i have fallen in love with (besides their tails, female draneis are amazingly cool). unfortunately, this does leave me with a bit of a sad sadness. Poor druid/tauren Covington, is a sexy Achievement decked, Mount (oh lovely ravenlord) hunted, young whipper snapper. And his loss of my love is not because of nething he did, (Fuck you Blizzard). It is the simple fact that he is
a.) a Tauren. I dont like Taurens. I don t like the way they cast. I do like the way they dance. But I dont dance while I cast.
b.) Druid gear looks...stupid. ESPECIALLY T10. So I can only imagine...
c.) Tree of Life form Not, means i get to look at my gear because Blizzard thinks it looks cool. No thanks.

I cant just leave my toon. I love him. He s my baby. You don t just abandon your baby because someone (ie god, or Blizzard) made him dumb. (i feel like my metaphor crossed some dangerous water to tread. lawl)
 So decision time.

I m pretty much in love with Argent Dawn. It s rejuvy less, elaos less, and has *gasp* people! we still havent found a decent guild, but we have been pugging good groups. More of our undermine friends have been moving over as well. (hello Naee and Abari) so it looks like we re here to stay.

I m planning to transfer Covington.
a.) to give him a fighting chance in Cataclysm. I will race change him to Worgen or Night Elf, since both of them are really cool. (I can t wait to make a Worgen, btw)
b.) to keep him available to play, since I m wracked with guilt for not playing him at all.
c.) because no matter how much i fight it, i love tree (or treeless) heals, i m damn good at it, and i love hots. (shamans have a "hot" but it might as well be not.)

The only obstacles are the price. it ll end up being a total of 55 dollars, which i do not have, especially with my hours cut at Target and living on my own.
The other one, although a sentimental issue, is the name.
My shaman is named Covington, and when it comes to name changes and name locks for a few months or so, the chances of me getting Covington on my druid again is a very confusing hot mess of timing, changes, and the loss of more money.

Now, why may you ask, do i not just race change my druid into a troll.
No thanks. the lore for it is retarded and i hate troll feet. I have a shaman, she is enough of a troll i can take.

My only regrets for leaving Undermine is leaving some friends.
Grabnare, who i ve had a very complex relationship with.
Naee, who although has joined us on Argent Dawn, is still very attached to the Horde, and his chances of playing with us are slim.

And the fact i also have 7 80s over on Undermine. I plan to stay on Undermine as a Belf Priest for Inner Demons, but it won t be very serious. Not anymore.

In conclusion, changes suck, but sometimes tough choices can change it for the better.

Here s hoping.

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