Friday, May 13, 2011

Oh hai! I'm alive!

Oh Hai!? I’m alive!: The Super Duper Update Extravaganza!
I've been missing in action because of college. It's basically taken over my life. I'm on the home stretch though and I've got a couple days off to just relax. Even though I'm not relaxing. I think, every second, I'm forgetting something aren't I.

BTW, I’m writing this on Word because Blogger is down! I didn’t know Blogger could go down D:. I’m itching to write, and I can’t get on my blog. It’s sad really. What I don’t understand is the status page. On Monday, they announced a maintenance day on Wednesday for an hour starting at 10:00 pm. It’s Friday, almost 2:00 am, and I can’t get on. I don’t get it. I want to blog.

I am going through some very serious WoW withdrawals. Not like, twitching, sweating, curled in a corner. More like, nostalgia, small waves of depression, and long hours at night torturing myself with WoW lore. Oh dear oh dear. I miss my druid obsessively. No amount of class switching in Rift has helped me find the niche that was my druid. At the same time, I feel that I am so far behind now (thanks a lot Patch 4.1) that going back would be discouraging. That and having no active guild to go back to. I’m not really looking to raid, but WoW is currently so much raiding, so little…everything else, that how can I go back. This isn’t WotLK, where there was plenty to do. No, this is Cataclysm. RAWR!

Ps3. Lawl?
I was thinking about going back to console gaming. I’m itching to play FF 12 again (my solo WoW experience…basically) and some Chrono Cross, just so I can salivate in the soundtrack of Yasunori Mitsuda. I guess some small things have been going on in that end. Like hackers and personal information. I didn’t get the dreaded email from Sony, so I think I’m in the clear. Gee aren’t I glad that WoW took over my life and made me basically not touch my Ps3 for three years. Hoorahh….oi….
I don’t really want to use my Ps3 (currently being babysat at my boyfriend’s house). It’s big, bulky, and honestly, my small dinky room has no room for it. The front of my tv is barricaded by a printer and tons of dvds. I want my Ps2, but it, along with my Wii is MIA :( and my boyfriend can’t find a memory card for the life of him for his Ps2. Oh cruel world, make me play Rift.

Patch 1.2 (Rift)
 Can I just please be fuckn level 50 now? Please?!? I currently sit at the beginning of level 48. My guildies who started first are already 50. My guildies who started after me are catching up fast. Egads! I can get into a decent questing stride, but thanks to Patch 1.2, one look at my map shows me where invasions are happening. I then run off hoping to gain some Ancient Dragon Egg Shells and Planarite and Blues and Artifacts. Then after an 30 mins to 2 hours (yes epic invasions suck) later, I head back to my leveling spot. And sit there. Stare at my bags. Kind of daddle around, jump around in circles. Climb weird mountain crevices. Find a shiny or two. Then log. Because I’m bored. I can’t seem to get back into the swing of things. And there are good lulls when there are no invasions. And some invasions are not doable at certain hours of the night. So, can I just BE 50. That would solve so many problems.

I don’t even know why I want to be level 50. To wear that cool helm Death made me? To be on the same level as my friends. To be able to hit mobs that are level 50? I’m not going to raid. But I would like to start doing Experts with my friends and maybe later on, work on some 10 man Slivers. And besides, any level that makes more mobs grey level so they don’t agro onto me when I run by is a good thing. Yes yes…dismounting bad.
Can’t wait until   


Apparently, I’m destined to play the nitty gritty, ugly, usually purple colored faction. I was proud Horde-ling in WoW (ugly). I currently play Defiant (purple). And I’m going to be a Sith in SWOTR. A Sith Inquisitor. Basically because I want to shoot lightning out of my fingers and be like pikachu…zap zap zap
This video just confirmed that I know what I want! (and do what I want!) Zap Zap Zap…

Zap Zap
Speaking of Zap
I saw Thor with my bf the day it came out. It was awesome. Chris Hemsworth is yum yum. He is definitely on my list of actors to watch. In this movie, he proved that he can carry a little known role/movie (because I mean face it, Thor is not a popular comic book hero…He looks goofy.). He has the perfect amount of charisma, bad boy charm, and omg, he has that subtle Australian accent. The one that’s not really an accent but it still is. Did I mention I’m in love with him? Thor was great because, like any other good comic book movie, it doesn’t take itself too seriously. It modernizes the hero and their story while making fun of the fact that the costumes are kind of silly, the reality of it all is kinda ridiculous. My favorite line was when they called Sif, the Asian warrior, and the blonde one, “Xena, Jackie Chan, and Robin Hood.” Racial stereotype humor win? I think so. The only downside to Thor was the backstory/mythology part. I still am scratching my head about the whole thing. I currently blame modern media for my poor attention span, as I try to learn new mythology.
Isn’t Mjolnir that thing from Halo? Gosh, that hammer looks like Thrall’s. Bifrost is the name of a mage I see around in Rift. You know, all Viking types should look like Alexander Skarskgard. Or Chris Hemsworth, I accept. Yeah Anthony Hopkins is king of Isengard. I mean,  Asgard. Hey, Asgard looks like Isengard (or that really shiny elf place). 
You know. That Agent guy’s actor really got the best role. He’s in the Iron Man franchise, Thor, and the Avengers. Yeah. Good gig. I think he’s the real winner in the Marvel Movie Universe.
Anyways, go see Thor. It’s really fun, not too long, and perfectly acted. I even somehow got through the whole movie not laughing at Anthony Hopkins once.

M. Night Shyamalyan
Did you guys know that he writes Nikita?

After watching Betrayal and then Pandora last night, I couldn’t help but hear “What a Twist!” in my head after every god damn…twist.
The fact that Percy was secretly planning this huge elaborate plan was one thing, but to see his true goal come into realization was even more genius. A man like Percy is intelligent, and although this big scheme seem to be pointing to goal that includes taking down the CIA, he merely just wants control of it, or at least the puppet master. I was not expecting this. But in the end, it’s smart. He can’t take the CIA down without bringing questions. This way he gains the power he seeks without putting himself in any dangerous limelight.
I was glad to see he’s not crazy. Well he is crazy. Did you see the way he looked when he was ordering the deaths of Nikita and Alex inside her safe house. Crazy!
It was nice seeing Amanda stand up for her “children.” I had this feeling that although Amanda was training them and keeping psychological tabs on them, threatening to kill them and torture them if they got out of line, she still cared about them and does have a serious maternal instinct about her. Amanda understood their value and didn’t dismiss them outright. This maternal instinct reminded me of Sucker Punch!, where the Madame, who was teaching the girls to sell themselves/giving psychological appointments, really did care about them. I think the show just got better with Amanda at Division’s reigns, and Alex as the new Michael. What a twist!

Please renew this show!
Seeing as it gets more ratings then a renewed show, Gossip Girl, I pray to god that this means Nikita will get a second season. It’s such an amazing show, with good production value and great storylines and characters. It would be sad to see it preemptively end. Come on renewal!

Douchebag of the week
Jesse James. How I despise you! What a complete jerk you are! It’s bad enough that you rained on Sandra’s parade, but now you got to go and write a book about it. Then you have to “jokingly” talk about your sex life with her.  Now you re saying your marriage with her was a sham and she was just pretending because she’s an actress. Oh and poor you. Hollywood is so fake and you just don’t want anything to do with that anymore Dude. Shut up!

Oh Btw! Guess what premiered tonight!
<3 Alexander Skarsgard!

Ok, I should really stop blogging on my fake blog.  Is blogspot up yet?!?
For next blog: Reasons why I suddenly am on Team Garrosh!

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