Yeah, it's been a while. I have actually had a lot of updates, both within game and outside, but there have been so many things going on I haven't had the time to blog. In fact, all free time goes to sleeping.
After playing a well geared druid in Cata for most of the expansion, it'll be interesting to see how I fare as a fresh 85. I was able to buy the BoE feet and have an Alchemist Stone waiting for me at 85. This is the first time that, after buying some rep gear, my GS actually exceeds the number needed for Heroic Dungeons. Should I just jump right in and hope for the best? PuG groups still scare me, but I got a lot of JP to earn and a Haste cap to reach. :O
I finally got my first of three sections of the Molten Front done. I did the Armaments first because the trinket was the best upgrade. I also was able to get a couple recipes for my Engineering. I don't know if I can take more dailies, but I really want that mount so I can stop using the bronze drake. Just 10 more days ><.
I got ganked for the first time on the Molten Front last night too. It was kind of sad. A decked out paladin and his mage friend. At first it was just the pally smacking on me, but when I started being difficult, ie. Feign Death, Disengaging, and dropping traps, the mage jumped in Arcane Blast-ed me. I realized I didn't want to go down without a fight. Usually I just want to get it over with, especially when it's two against one. I mean I had no chance against a Pally AND a Mage. To be honest though, I was surprised I hadn't been ganked before in the Molten Front. I heard the Molten Front was a pretty bad spot on PvP realms.
I finally also got my 4 set bonus on my Hunter for PvP. Damn, that's a decent amount of Agility. I love the look; it reminds me of a one-eyed samurai.
I suddenly fell into a RP interest. I haven't actually roleplayed or anything, but I find the whole thing fascinating. I ended up doing a Blood Elf Paladin named Aenerys, named after Daenerys (yeah I'm so creative.), my favorite character from Game of Thrones/A Song of Fire and Ice. She's become a creative outlet for me, and fleshing out her back story has been fun. The other great thing is that, because I want to be as authentic as possible, I have been forced to do a lot of research on the lore, specifically on Blood Elfs and Paladins. I have some really great plans for her-I have her Transmog outfit picked out and the title I want her to have. But this all takes a lot of time, which I do not have. I hope to someday be unafraid to post her story on a blog page so that I can share her and join into the community.
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Crusader Aenerys Duskbreaker |
Our guild had a growth spurt in the last week. I guess we want two 10 mans, but I'm not really involved in these decisions. I am guild website master :D though, but Guildzilla ended up being pay-only, so I gotta find a new website host. I have been working and going to school back to back, so that I only have an hour or two for WoW and WoW related stuff. Which is a shame because I was breaching Outlands on my pally, and would like to hit 85 so I can run and horde Transmog gear with the guild I joined on the RP server.
Anyways, the big news with my guild is
Yep. Hunter Covington is officially a Defender of a Shattered World. Damn, that's a mouth full. We're going to Firelands this week. It'll be fun. It's disappointing though. Nefarian was one shotted by us with only 2 dps and the tanks and healers up. That's how much they nerfed it. No Berserk timer in sight. It was nice to finally do it, but at the same time, it wasn't as satisfactory. And that's not even the worst part.
Rant Time
Rep Ranting
I am really upset with the Guild Rep Cap. I hate that I, who was part of every raid that got us the Guild Glory of the Cataclysm achievement, ie: the Dark Phoenix, am unable to get the mount because I am not Exalted, and will not be Exalted for another 7 weeks because that's how long it'll take for me to get there. Even though I was a key member and my guild would have not been able to have a guild run without me, I cannot get the coveted mount. Now someone who did not raid with us, but has the Exalted status can. I think that is bullshit. :(
Stupid guilds are stupid. While doing dailies one quiet night, I happened upon Bantha'los the pretty spirit owl. Feeling a bit generous, I /who 85 hunter, and picked one also sitting in Mt. Hyjal. I let them know the owl was there and told them to come quick cuz noone else was around. Feeling pretty good about the situation, I decided to help out and watch, hoping that I would get that not-so-humble feeling of helping someone else. Well, the hunter looked confused, so I landed on the choice tree and tried to explain to them how it worked. I gave them the strat, told them to use Trap Launcher to make sure the trap hit the tree, and pretty much the entire strategy. Well, the hunter told me, oh my guild is here. They'll help. I thought this was a good sign. I wish I had had a paladin friend or mage to give me a buff to lessen the fall. So I sat back, and watched comfortably, hoping to eventually partake in a celebration soon after.
Boy was I wrong. This guy, and his guild, whose name just happen to have the word "moron" in it, seriously lived up to that name. Everyone began trying to pull it. I watched several of their guild members get Harsh Moonlight-ed to death. I stressed to the hunter that he needs to have the trap out, because surviving it would be difficult. Well he didn't really listen.
Meanwhile, a little blood elf hunter tries to tame Bantha'los constantly while he is being tanked by others. Really?!?!? You don't know you have to have aggro to tame. That just irritated me, so I helped kill him. A lot. 6 times to be exact. He was a persistent little f**ker. To add insult to injury, my Bantha'los was out, so he died a lot from the pet he was trying to tame. Yep. I was an asshole.
Eventually, I gave up trying to constantly explain to the hunter how to tame the pet. I watched guild member after guild member drop from the sky and die. I watched the little hunter die. They had a warrior tanking him at one point, which I don't even get. I even tried trapping the bird for the hunter, but nope. Nothing. I decided it was too late to be watching stupid people, so I headed back into the Molten Front to finish dailies.
My boyfriend, also in the area at the time, told me that the guild had given up, and decided to kill the mob. Yep. They killed Bantha'los. And I know that all that will drop for them is a grey that vendors for 25g or something. It was sad really. What an idiot that group is. What's worse is that, I was telling this hunter exactly what to do. I showed him where he should stand. I EVEN demonstrated how to set the trap down (as best I could without him seeing my screen). Nothing. That's what I get for being nice. I should just ignore him.
Battlegrounds have been rough lately. They aren't bad when I'm with a couple guildies, but alone, it's horrendous. I got ripped into by some priest in front of everyone because he didn't like how I was handling WSG. For some reason, we were doing the "let's fight in the middle and not get a flag EVER" strategy. After 2 flags were capp'd by the Horde and a 3rd was on its way, I decided I had had enough, and started running around on my mount, being silly. Eventually I got dragged down and died. Then I noticed my name...mispelled, in BG chat. It was some priest ripping into me, telling me to quit game and what a horrible player I was because I ran away from him and he couldn't heal me. It was actually harmful to me. I have never been called out in front of everyone like that. What gets me is how seriously he was taking everything. He was one of those idiots fighting mid. He was also in Shadow, so I highly doubt he would've saved me. At that point, I wanted to get out of that BG and start a new one. But no, because I was just fooling around, I was suddenly the worst player in Azeroth and needed to quit the game now. His words not mine.
To be honest, I really shouldn't take that for a grain of salt. He was one of those PvP elitists who, when things go wrong, start attacking everyone thinking it's going to make the next 15-30 mins bearable. It's not going to make things better.
I really wonder sometimes why I try PvPing. Sometimes its a lot of fun, especially when I do it with guildies. Even if we're losing, I still have fun. But one is the loneliest number. Especially in PvP.
And btw, I killed that guy in Honor earned, Damage done, and Killing Blows. I checked. I was the top Alliance member anyways. I almost beat him in healing thanks to my spirit bird.
Missoni can suck it.
I would just like to say that Missoni is an ugly set of clothing, that's patterns hurt my eyes. I do not understand the appeal, nor do I understand why you would go to Target to buy 70+ dollar clothing and a 400 dollar bike. In that ugly print too. I guess I just don't understand the world.
Goodbye for now
I wasn't very tired when I got home from work, but I'm ready for a nap now. I hope to eventually get up a review for this season of True Blood, and hopefully some more reviews to the new shows coming off of Hiatus. I am really excited for The Secret Circle and Once Upon a Time. I am even excited for Grey's Anatomy, because I want to see what happens to Meredith and Derek. Woot! Happy Healing!
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