Friday, October 14, 2011

WTB Transmog

Yeah, pretty unfortunate looking. Luckily my tabard covers most of it. But wtf is with that ugly dagger. I need a new weapon.
I've been going through raids the past few months not getting a single drop, and then tonight, I felt like Firelands shit loot on me. I also won the trinket (I usually don't win stuff...ever.)
So it was kind of exciting. Between my Rep belt, buying my tier 12 chestpiece, and two drops, I was a happy camper. 
It's nice actually getting pieces that are itemized for with Haste now. None of this tier chest piece with crit and mastery but no spirit on it. WTF is with that anyways . IDK...
I got my T6 chest piece tonight. I just need the helm to have a complete set. IDK if I will use it. I have a feeling a lot of people will use the tier 6. It's a popular set, and if I was a tauren, I would wear it. But I'm a night elf. So I'm going for pretty. :)

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