I admit, after the news on Monday, I kind of went into a tailspin grief period. Yes, I'm talking about the news that Garrosh Hellscream will be the final MoP raid boss. I'm sure I skipped a few steps here and there, but in general I went from anger, to bargaining, to acceptance.
I haven't logged on since Sunday, which is partially related to midterms and college, but otherwise related to mourning. I've suddenly re-thought my jump back to the Horde, and wonder if sitting in a faction where I suddenly feel wholly unattached to is worth the 25 dollars. I'm angry because breaking into Orgrimmar is not a fair trade for Theramore (ALLIANCE BIAS???!?!?). I'm over Varian and don't understand why I can't take him down instead. But at the same time, I accept that this is what will happen, and while Garrosh Hellscream the Warchief was more entertaining then Garrosh Hellscream the Northrend Conqueror, I kinda miss the nobility and thoughtfulness he was given then (see leader short story and The Shattering).
To be honest, noone really understands my somewhat strange obsession with Garrosh Hellscream. I initially loathed the guy, was upset that Thrall left me to go dance around in Nagrand with Aggra, and was suddenly not all that interested in the Horde. Then something happened. Perhaps it was the questline in Stonetalon Mountains. Or maybe he's inspirational speech while I flew with him to Twilight Highlands. Maybe it was just in my own mind, dreaming up dreams of an orc, lonely and depressed over his father, coming out of that and trying to live up to his father's legacy. It's probably the loading screen, which makes him somewhat an attractive figure. (Yeah, it's that.)
I think it has something to do with being the underdog. He's the Horde leader noone wanted, that everyone hates. He's constantly depicted in strange ways by Blizzard and seems doomed to be that "really smart and intelligent strategist from Northrend" who keeps doing strange and dumbass shit. He's always proven wrong by Sylvanas and Baine. He was dumb enough to fall for Magatha's schemes and killed Cairne. And Thrall went all hormonal rage on him during the Molten Front questline prequel thing.
It's the idea that I see such potential for his character. The complex relationship that could've been with Cairne and Saurfang. The weird friendship between him and Thrall. The oddity of following in the footsteps of an absentee father, who lets face it, aside from legends and stories, he knows little about. It's about this leader who is all about his people, and yet knows very little about the customs they follow. But now, we may never see it.
Still it's too early to tell. My hopes is that Garrosh is given an epic and cool spiral into villian-y and not some lame storyline. I hope his final stand is epic and I hope he is complex and not single-minded. But then again, we are talking about Garrosh Hellscream. He's doomed to be that guy you're supposed to love that does everything wrong. He's the anti-Thrall- a character device for a hippie.
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