Yes, a lazy night indeed.
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It's a sad day...noone wants me... |
Purple Doom
Now I have them all except Deth'talic, and to be honest...the scary stories I had been hearing about Deth'talic were making me nervous and I was okay with that...Or so I thought. After I put it off for a bit (I ran Black Temple, came back and he was STILL there), I started reading up, all the while twiddling my thumbs. My biggest concern was that people might try and grief me, but I soon began to think that if I didn't at least try, I'd probably feel regret every time I saw the damn spider. So off I went...ready to try. Also, aside from griefing, I am not the best kiter, nor the best trapper, so the thought of needing to possibly do both wasn't making me feel any better. The only other person on the Molten Front at the time was a lower geared hunter from the Horde, so that eased my worry a little bit. He was obviously doing dailies and would probably leave me alone.
So I made up an action bar specifically for the challenge and went for it.
Strategy (ish)
Now the trick to Deth'talic is kiting him and sending your pet to eat and die to his Deth Strikes. Each time he uses them a chunk (about 10%) of his ridiculous 77 million health goes down. When you're under 20 mill or so, he then loses his Molten Will buff and you can tame him. Deth Strike will kill you so you need a pet, usually the spiders in the vicinity, to eat the move. After they die, you have to make sure you have enough space between you and Deth to revive the pet for another hit. Another catch is that if you do not continually have damage going on him, (Serpent Sting, or Immolation Trap, or something) then he will speed up and get to you(in general he moves very slow). You have to kite him back and forth behind the Forlorn Spire thing, which is a strip of land.
My first attempt actually went incredibly fact, I was so close to taming him, that when he started to evade and reset I almost threw up my hands and gave up. For some reason it didn't occur to me that the land strip I was kiting on was fairly long so I could revive and send in my spider several times before having to use Disengage to turn around. I did this on my last and successful attempt, which netted me a beautiful skin for the lava spiders. Although I had my reservations, I'm glad I went for it. Definitely worth it.
As you can tell from the screenie, I did have a little help. My bf put slow poisons on his throwing weapon and helped me keep up dps on the pet. He didn't do much though considering that I needed aggro for the tame. He also gave me a little bit of company and encouragement, which helped me out tremendously.
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Protecting our young :D |
Magical Crawdad my *ss
So, a long time ago, I had this crazy idea that I would attempt to get the Salty title. Then I realized that I am working every weekend and am never home in time for the Fishing tournaments...both of them. But at that time, I did attempt to get the Magical Crawdad box for the pet. The first time I got Mr. Pinchy, the item you have to use to get the pet, it took me well over 10 hours to get the damn thing. I didn't sit there for 10 hours, but it took me a lot of farming over 3 weeks. When I did finally get it, I used to 3 times, and got no pet...but had to deal with the 2 day cooldown. Meanwhile, my boyfriend decided to join me in fishing, got Mr. Pinchy within a few casts (alot fewer then me) and got the pet on the first time...yeah...After the first failed Mr. Pinchy, I put the Salty title and all other achievements to bed.
Then the whole pet battle came about and I decided I needed 150 pets before MoP was released. One of the 26 pets I don't have but can reasonably get is the Magical Crawdad. So off I went, to go fish a few pools. Now my luck has completely changed. I caught Mr. Pinchy within a few pools around Terokkar Forrest. And after one failed, Angry Mr. Pinchy wish, the second wish, 2 days later gave me the Magical Crawdad box I so desired.
Now if you're wondering why I chose the Tol'vir mount to ride, I like it because both of them scuttle...heeheee. >.<
From here
As far as the hunter goes, I have just Magria to tame and I am done with Cataclysm rares. Unless they increase the stables in MoP, I'm seriously going to have to start thinking of which pets I really want to keep. I hate that I can't have a lot of pets simply because I would love to have one of each type. But I'm also a huge collector at heart, so I have to be choosy.
My druid will continue her pet collecting. I try to break things down a bit- fish a little here, farm a few mobs there. I'm also doing Molten Front dailies again for a chance at the pet. I'm two dailies away from Pebble, and 8 away from the Chirping Box (other jousting bird). I am going to have to start farming for an Elementium Geode, make my enchanting pets (going to have to go to the Horde side for that too) and keep crossing my fingers as far as drops are concerned. Hopefully my hard work pays off.
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