I've been healing Hardmodes for 3 weeks now, one before patch, two after. When we first started (pre-patch) it was a struggle. We definitely had to tweak strategies and ideas for certain bosses.Our first Marrowgar kill ended up with our raid composition of 1 tank and 3 healers. Since the patch has dropped, healing these fights has been easier.
For one, dps has increased, so fights just seem shorter in general. The second reason is that when life gets tough, the incredible power of Tree of Life form gives me that edge to keep us all up. So when's the right time to pop Tree of Life? With a three minute cd, you do have to plan out when to use it, since for some fights, there won't be a second opportunity, and for the long fights that there is a second opportunity, it means you have to pop Tree of Life right at the beginning.
From only two weeks of post-patch Hardmode healing, here is where I've decided to pop my cd.
Lord Marrowgar: I drop it during Bone Storm. We usually get two bonestorms before he dies. For the first week, I popped tree during the first bonestorm. This was simply because the week before, we were having problems getting through Bonestorm. People were running a muck in panic and range was becoming a huge issue. The second week, I dropped tree during second bonestorm, because by then we had gotten into a less panic manner. There are still moments when people get out of range, but it was less. I dropped Tree form the second phase simply to just make sure we didn't all die this far into the fight. Marrowgar died during second phase. Either way, it doesn't seem to matter. I think I'll being dropping it on the first bonestorm because it increases our survivability into the next static phase. Our dps is now so high that Marrowgar dies during the second bonestorm.
Lady Deathwhisper: I've been forgetting with her. I know this is considered a tough fight, but honestly, we have very little problems.
The one time I did pop Tree of Life, I of course got mind controlled and began tree stomping my way around. If mages are your only way of CCing the MC, Tree form might not be in your best interest, however, I don't think a tree is as scary as a big scary mage. I'm still undecided on this.
Lootship: I get so bored in this fight, I dps. I pop Tree so I could cast faster wraths.
Deathbringer Saurfang: This fight is the bane of my existence. It really isn't that bad, as long as you have smart and strong range dps. For Saurfang, Tree of Life is a lifesaver when you have about 3 marks out and Saurfang has hit his "enrage". If you pop heroism/bloodlust around here (30%), then maybe hold off Tree of Life. That extra haste will be a waste for you, considering most of your casts are instant. With that being said, if the tanks are dropping like flies and you have 3 marks to handle, instant Regrowths and multiple Lifeblooms may be your saving grace.
The first week after patch, I forgot Tree (we only got three that week). The second week, I used Tree during Saurfang when we got our third mark. It was before we got Bloodlust (idk why, but that night, Saurfang was gaining blood power like no other). I'm glad we did get bloodlust afterward, because if it wasn't for that, we would've wiped.
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The blue shade is Bloodlust. Tree was used during third mark. |
Bloodlust saved us from that 4th mark (I have never seen 4 marks...). It's unfortunate because the tanks were getting hit like maniacs and the pressure to keep everyone alive was on. If one person dies, we are finished, and of course, the people who will die are the ones who are in the most danger (marks). As we head into the third week, I'll see again when to pop Tree, but I recommend at least waiting for the 3rd mark, and 30% enrage.
Festergut: There's a lot of damage in the beginning, and there's a lot after Pungent Blight, when all the orange stuff is out. I would use Tree right when you run in, or after the first Pungent. Considering we kill him before there's a second use of Pungent, and when you pull, you're running in fresh with mana and health, I personally would use Tree after the first Pungent Blight, simply because you're not only dealing with the constant damage from the blight around you (orange) again, but also because you have to take care of the damage from Pungent Blight. Plus, I know if we can survive that first Pungent Blight, he's pretty much dead.
Rotface: I forgot to use it. I'll get back to you on this one. This fight, if people are doing their jobs, isn't healing intensive.
Professor Putricide: I save Tree for phase 3. It is imperative that everyone survives Phase 3, specifically the tanks. Instant Regrowths allow for better and effective healing when you need to be moving a lot. Lifeblooms on both the tanks is a nice feeling. Wild Growth on nearly the entire raid is awesome too. Plus if you are unaware and get caught in Choking Gas or get hit by a Malleable Goo, (placement is key, but since your moving space is getting tight, it can happen), those instant heals keep you from becoming ineffective (Rejuvenation is amazing, but it can only do so much).
Princes: I used Tree when I noticed people taking a lot of damage. This is still subjective for me. I need to test it more.
Blood Queen: In BQ, with no disc healer, the constant aoe damage to everyone is tough to combat. There were times when I felt actually concerned. I need to try this out more, but Blood Queen got my tree after she landed the first time. Either way, I don't think there s a time you can go wrong.
Valithrea: This fight is also the bane of my existence. In fact, if I told you the hardest fight, this is the one I would say. It's not necessarily that the mechanic of it is hard. In fact, none of these fights are "hard," as long as everyone can get their part of the fight down. But this fight is just plain discouraging, especially in the first couple of stages. Because this fight does go on for some time, and no amount of epic dps is gonna help you (we 3 heal, btw, so if you 4 heal this, it might be a different story) popping Tree right at the beginning is a good idea. There isn't a point when you are going to need to save it for healing intensive parts. The entire "heal the big lazy dragon" is the intensive healing part. I also recommend popping Tree right at the beginning because it is the longest time you will get before you go into pop in and pop out of portals more. If the fight goes like ours, you will get a second time to pop Tree, when you have tons of stacks, which makes Regrowth incredibly powerful. Don't use tree when you get bloodlust. It's a waste, especially here when you are probably just throwing Regrowth.
Sindragosa: Healing this fight isn't very intensive until Phase 2. That is when I pop tree. It helps when you're trying to juggle LOSing debuffs off, running around with Ice Beacons and suffering from Unchained Magic.
Other fights coming soon when I actually do them O.o
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