Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday Thoughts: Patch 4.1, Haste, and Being Bipolar

Moving On
Despite the bad feelings that were created a couple nights ago, we moved on last night without a hitch. One-shotted Chimarean, which made me feel good about myself (lol). Probably drop into Bastion tonight and get back at Cho'gall. We're going to have another off week because of absences, which, as far as I'm concern, is okay because I like playing Pokemon. I wonder when we'll get to the point where we can 2 heal fights. Probably not. too much bad luck type stuff happens.

 Looking Ahead: Patch 4.1
The changes to Efflorescence and the discovery of a 9th tick in haste has made me re-think how I want to optimize gear (again -_-) I'm looking forward to the second post from Beru on her haste experiment, and whether that 9th tick in Wild Growth is worth it. But with Efflorescence getting a much needed boost and also affected by Haste, I think I might go ahead and start trying to reach that haste break point of 2004.
I'm thinking, because increased haste might mean potentially more mana problems, I might decide to use a different spec, which may cut back on my throughput. Of course, who knows what will happen gear wise, from here to there. I don't like the itemization of our resto gear (stupid crit) and it seems like I have no choice but to take a boat load of Mastery. But it's not that bad.
I just can't wait to have more access to Maelstrom Crystals. <.<
I'm moving towards getting my 8th Gym Badge. The game did pick up in difficulty, which is kind of nice. They give you a nice learning curve that suddenly skyrocketed, but it was just in time to keep me away from being bored. I'm looking forward to the Post-credit content, where I can capture Pokemon from the earlier Generations (Riolu!). I've pretty much decided to invest in SoulSilver or HeartGold, although I'm not sure which. I only played the Japanese versions of the games, and it was years ago (on my brick gameboy I'm sure), so I'm thinking it would be good to grab the game.
Evil Professor is Bipolar?
I've really been struggling with one of my professors, who has been increasingly condescending and difficult to please. However lately, she's been chipper and kind. Her emails seem to be more lighter, and for mistakes that before, she wouldn't let go, she is now being generous. Did she get hit in the head? She is a girl so maybe its some kind of menstrual thing -_-.


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