Monday, June 27, 2011


While preparing to do a Heroic Lost City run, my boyfriend's NPC Scan freaked out while he was floating in Vash'jir. Sure enough, there he was, in all his glory. Mobus, The Crushing Tide. Quickly, we assembled our team, me hopping on my druid to heal and my friends on their mages. Our group ended up being two mages, a druid, and a prot pally. Just as we were about to pull, two sea horses rush by. A dwarf warrior and his dranei priest friend steal Mobus right from under our noses! We watched sadly, as the two began dwindling his hp. Slowly, steady. It was taking forever.
Then, my game screen shook. I had aggro! For some reason, one tiny Rejuvenation on a friend had given me aggro. Well. It wasn't that surprising. haha. Anyways, I try swimming around, to drop aggro, when I realize I have threat! Then, I notice Evade! Evade! appear on my SUF. He reset!
My bf did that shieldie shiny thing prot pallies do, and he was ours!
Healing, this fight was an interesting one. There were times I was sweating, but not because of the healing itself.
Moves/Strategy: Water fighting sucks. You have to kite the guy during the move, Ram, a powerful cleave move. Wake is a aoe type move that hits everyone within his melee range. Finally, Algae is a little green range move he shoots at ppl. Once it hits, it leaves a green goop in the water. Just swim away.
The fight takes a good 10 mins with 4 people. He has 12.5million health.
For a healer, the hardest part is keeping in range of everyone. If everyone is doing what they re supposed to, there shouldn't be too much damage. However, avoiding everything does end up splitting the group apart. Its important to keep near the tank, however, if he dies, someone else can plausibly kite him. This is assuming you don't have Allies breathing down your neck like we did.
The best way to avoid him resetting is to tank him back and forth, NOT up and down. That is how the last group reset him. My bf also tried and only moved him back and forth, not too far from his spawn point.
The other thing you don't need to worry about is mana issues. I had none, but made sure to pop my trinket and Innervate at proper times. I never dropped below 70% mana.

Towards the end of the fight, the warrior began trying to reset Mobus from us. I wasn't about to let that happen. Between moonfires and Rejuvenations, I switched to bear form and taunted Mobus from the warrior, afraid that my bf's taunts might not be up.
In a very anti-climatic moment, Mobus turned around and floated dead as we finally killed him. IN YOUR FACE ALLIES!
Not only did we win! But we won good! I was excited because we basically took him from some dumbass allies who stole him from us in the first place. It was even more exciting that they tried, in vain to steal him back. Naee would be so proud. :)
So now, my hunter has a kick-ass spear, my bf has a nice cape, and we finally have the bracer mighty intel enchant in our guild. Was an epic fight.
Otacon Report: Jadefang + baby
Quick report. I finally got Jadefang, the final rare in my endeavor. I might try for a couple more Madexx, but my stables are pretty stuffed.
I also was able to grab Jadefang again, this time as a kill to grab the pet. Now I have mama and baby together. :)
That reminds me. I hate Ahune. He can suck it. What a terrible fight!

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