A quick pet report. With 4.2 came tons of new rare pets to try and tame. Unfortunately, EVERY hunter and his friend are trying to get them. Eventually it became somewhat of a problem for me. I had several dreams that I caught Skarr and I knew right then I had to refocus what I was playing for. This was becoming too stressful!
So since then, I've been checking once in a while, but not camping, and focusing on other things (like getting my pally to 85).
Last night, while doing my regular check, I came across Kirix, a green lava spider. The tactics for him involve a debuff that stuns you, knocks you back and poisons you horrendously. After a couple strategy tries and subsequent deaths, I discovered the best tactic is to:
1. Have Aspect of the Wild on.
2. As soon as you get tossed into the air Disengage.
3. Pop a Potion of Haste then Deterrence.
4. Tame him!
Success! And just as I finished, an Ally hunter, who I saw with Solix, the orange lava spider I was originally camping, rounded the corner. Ha! In your face :D
Yeah. I'm PvP'ing
Keep's Mom is a reference to two old buddies who PvP'd together back in the day. One of them was named Keep, the other was a hunter whose pet was named Keepsmom.
My guildies recently decided PvP was fun and want me to join. They're talking about 5's, which I hear are bad, but who knows. For now, we've been running Random BGs.
I've always hated PvP. I can take pressure, but being killed at other's expense is no fun. To be honest, I can't handle giving other people, namely Alliance, the satisfaction of killing me.
But to be honest, wanting to raid again has been on the back of my mind, not so much because I want loots and stuff, but I guess I miss that kind of social activity. Namely, I miss my guild.
Well, PvP seems to be the best way to achieve this without ACTUALLY have to raid.
So I sucked it up, had my BF make me a few pieces, read up as much as I could find that was nearly updated, and went in there. On my hunter. No healing, just pew pew pew.
Hunters are op.
Omg, this is fun. IDK. I die a lot, and get my ass handed to me quite a bit. But I'm having a blast. I'm doing well to. With the spec I chose and the pet I picked up, I'm doing well, gaining quite a bit of killing blows, and able to hold my own. Now, skill level of the other players I've faced might just be low, but HEY, I'm gonna enjoy how I do ok! OK!
I chose Beast Master spec after reading about PvP from huntsmanlodge.com. Garwulf, the writer over there, has some great tips and indepth explanations. I'm always weary of trying BM in PvE simply because my pet tends to eat it, basically making BM less effective. But it seems like in PvP people tend to ignore your pet and focus on you, thus allowing my beast and I to reign havoc on the field. Kind of.
Bestial Wrath is a great cooldown, not that long, but allowing me to burn through an enemy's HP with high focus regen and a big red, scary chimera. Yep. Chimera. Thanks to Garwulf, I choose a Chimera as my pet and I do not regret it. It's been an awesome experience.
My Chimera has a slow that lasts 5 seconds, on a 10 second cooldown, or something ridiculous like that, allowing for a decent up time. He has a range attack and an aoe.
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yes his name is forkeepsmom :) |
Random BGs are still full of morons, elitist jerks and elitist jerk morons. I don't understand how yelling at each other and calling each other names will make us win the BG faster, but I guess that's how it is.
Overall though, I think the biggest change has been choosing hunter as my choice. It's fun being able to blow stuff up. I'm still tweaking things, like remembering to use Deterrence and Disengage and my traps. I love that I can be difficult to kill, dropping a Frost trap, then Concussive Shot in the face, Disengage! and melee are far behind me. Fun stuff. :)
I rack up the Killing Blows with my Kill Shot.
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mwahaha i can pretend i'm awesome |
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