Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rare Pet Break Time

I dealt with some disheartening things, so it's time for another break from rares and hunting rares. I have a very nice stable, and many rares to be proud of. I do not need to nearly kill myself over this.
Mean people
I've only dealt with mean hunter "griefers" once, when I watched a DK and a Druid kill Karkin, the molten crab in front of me and two other hunters. It's an unfortunate thing because hunters cannot tame unless they have aggro, basically the complete attention of the pet they wish to tame. So it's really easy to mess the tame up if you distract them in any form. I guess taming aggro is very minimum. You can basically take advantage real fast.
I attempted to capture two rares that I really had been wanting to add to my collection tonight. And both ended in tragedy.
What a terrible place for a rare to appear. Bantha'los, the spirit owl, spawns RIGHT in the Sanctuary of Marlone, a basic quest hub for the Molten Front. I've seen him a few times, but finally got a strategy together thanks to a blog I read.
When I logged on, I was able to grab his attention and try out my strategy. However, my frost trap did not work and I was subjected to an unfortunate Harsh Moonlight spam. As I sped back, hoping to get back into position for attempt two, I noticed a ton of people vying for Bantha'los's attention. The main culprit was not a hunter, who I would've been okay with taking the tame, but a mage, who used Slow Fall to survive the fall. He then proceeded to kill the owl in front of 7 other hunters. Sad!
Feeling discouraged, I headed out to check out another rare spawn, Solix. And of course, he was there!
He has to be kited while his energy bar becomes depleted. As it finally hits around 30 energy, you can then tame him.
I attempted to kite him, with frost trap and Concussive shot, but i didn't get enough space between him the first go so I died. Hey man , these "taming challenges" require some strategy. I headed back and then saw a night elf hunter standing there. He just stood there. And stood there. I emoted him, telling him to go, because rightfully, it was his turn. I thought maybe being a polite person might pay off. Boy was a wrong. He shook his head at me, then pointed at me to go. So I dropped my trap and began a more successful kiting. Just as I round the bend, watching his energy bar inch closer and closer, I realized that I had lost aggro to the other hunter, who had then begun to tame him. He basically let me do the brunt work and then attempted to steal the tame. I was mad! I remembered Distracting Shot had lost it's power, so I tried grabbing aggro back with an Arcane Shot. Just as Solix turned to me, and I began my tame, a DK came out of nowhere and killed him.
I quietly looted my Crystallized Tear, and walked out of the cave crushed.
I'm done with this. I was looking up threads about Rare Pet "Griefers" (I quote because I couldn't tell you if this is really griefing or not. Apparently though, it's pretty bad for many hunters), and boy were there a lot. People are really having a hardtime with these. Is this normal? I never experienced WotLK rare hunters during it's peak but I can imagine it was just as tough. It's horribly disheartening. I never had any problems with the other Cataclysm rares, but many of those rares weren't in central daily quest areas. Maybe Sambas, but I've seen him around a lot, and had a fairly easy (although long) time getting him.
So for now, and I mean really now, I'm done with this. I can't handle the stress, the disheartening. It's actually making me hate the game and I feel like quitting as we speak. (Yes I am a drama queen)
I currently have an open spot in my Stable, so I might go find something else to add there, or just leave it open. But for now, and my sanity, I need to stop. There is more to life then collecting digital pets right? Right!
Although, speaking of rare pets
I'm currently working on a Stable page for my blog, with pictures and some descriptions on why I keep these beauties in my Stable. I hope you like it (when it's up.)  

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