Creation and Pandas
First, I decided I wanted to try the Pandaren monk starting zone and see how I felt about the female Panda models. I'm not too impressed by them. They're curvacious and fluffy and the hairstyles scream Anime to me. I do like the new creation menu, and find it easier to go back to a style I liked instead of having to re-click through everything. I like that when you choose a class, all the classes wear different armor sets instead of just beginning robes, so you can kind of get a sense of the character's gear looks. After I finished creating and brought to the start screen, I was immediately turned off by the female panda's idle animation. She does this weird annoyed huff/slouch thing, that is fluid and well detailed (thus once again showing how much better the graphics are getting), but I didn't really like it as a whole. Makes her seem kinda uptight.
Anyways, I entered and was greeted to this.
As you can see, after struggling just to click the stupid quest giver, I decided this wasn't going to work and logged off immediately.
Druid Dappling
I decided instead to go find the glyphs on my druid and maybe explore the first area. I took my dear Aenerys and we ran around Jade Forest and went to the first dungeon there to get the glyphs. I also tried out the talent tree, which, upon trying out for the first time (I haven't really been following MoP stuff online), decided I could eventually work with this. My first spec was fresh so I picked Restoration and had fun picking talents. I like the movement first tier and while I didn't really do anything with those talents, I think I'll try them out later. Teleportation Tree! Yes please! After spec'ing I thought maybe I would want to try out leveling in Jade Forest, so switched to my second spec. For some reason I am completely locked into Guardian spec (bear) and no matter how many times I pay for a respec cannot get out of Guardian spec. So that ended my leveling idea. Instead I loaded up some glyphs, including Tree Form !!!! :DDDDD and Orca. I then decided I had to see the Stag and started running to the first dungeon (Jade Serpent Temple?) where the glyph vendor is.
I have to admit, this place is beautiful. I love the scenery and really enjoyed just the trip to the places I went. I saw this strange looking creature.
What a weird creature right! He deserved a screenie I thought.
Moonglade has always been my favorite area, but this next place I ran to will probably replace it. I love the deep shades of blue and grey. Gorgeous.
I finally made it to Jade Serpent Temple (?) which was also gorgeous. I literally ran around in Tree form exploring the area. I felt so awesome! Tree FORM!
You can't really see it, but there was a single pink lily in the water (right hand bottem corner). I love the detailing of the red blossom trees with the low hanging branches of the willow like trees. So beautiful. (AND LOOK! I'm a TREE :D)
Druid Glyphs and Abilities
So I did eventually try out the new glyphs.
This is Ursol's Vortex, a talent ability that slows mobs inside the vortex. I decided to go into the middle because it looks like I'm a tornado treeeee!
And here's Glyph of the Orca. While I probably won't use this in the long run, I thought it was fun to try. The Orca is much more nicer looking and smoother then the stupid seal form. I'm quite pleased with it.
I guess I didn't take any pictures of the glyph of the Stag, but it's basically a white stag, kinda like Marlone. I can't try the Glyph of Stars (caster boomkin form) because I can't get a Boomkin spec. The Glyph of the Chameleon isn't anything too special. I just change colors each time I go into cat or bear form. Might be cooler on a troll druid, because their colors are more eclectic.
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