Monday, October 1, 2012

Ding Dong Dailies

After about 5 days, I finally reached 90. Pace wise, I was getting about a level and half each day, but I would get distracted by exploration, running dungeons, pet battles etc. That the post for the day.
I ding.
And dailies appeared. Holy am I pissed.
I get it. Need lots of end game content to keep the Cataclysm naysayers down. But holy crap! I did 25 dailies from just three quest hubs. When am i going to have time to do all this.
Sure they give VP... but I need rep done for factions to actually GET the items. x_x seriously. I can't win! JP is the same. You need at least honored. Which doesn't seem to bad until you see how much rep you are getting.
You need to be at least Honored (? might be revered) with The Golden Lotus to access Shado-Pan and the August Celestials. I did the quests last night and I'm still neutral. And these dailies were the bulk of the 25 I had finished. When I saw 150 rep earned every time I turned something in, I think I died a little inside.
These just add to the fact that I also have two areas to complete, Townlong Steppes and the Dread Wastes, as well as heroics and scenarios I need to start runing. My brain hurts. My mind hurts.
Alts? What alts?
No time for alts.
Luckily, and by unfortunate circumstances, I am looking at a long weekend off, so I can attend to certain things.
1.) I need to raise professions. I'm still not sure which ones to do, but I think I might want to do atleast Jewelcrafting to help bring in some gold.
2.) Finish Townlong Steppes and Dread Wastes. Besides the achievements, and a sense of accomplishment, I also need the gear and rep.
3.) Work on my UI. Part of being comfortable as a healer is having a stellar UI set up. Make fun all you want about my use of addons, but when I'm comfortable, I'm on fire. Trying out WeakAuras instead of Power Auras and testing out Pet addons just for funsies.
4.) Gear. I need to gear. Run heroics and scenarios. Gear. -_-
5.) Get Monk Healing down. As I had expected, I'm struggling a little with mana and chi management. But I'm determined to get it. >.<

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