Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hotfix for the Lazy

I got into (and then was flat out ignored) a disagreement yesterday over Blizzard's recent hotfix for reputation gear.
Blizzard recently took away the requirement of reputation to purchase Justice Point gear, and ultimately lowered the Valor Point gear to Honored reputation, to make it more accessible.
A couple people in my guild immediately started crying unfair, complaining that Blizzard is once again catering to the *gasp* casuals, and boo hoo, that's just ridiculous. I immediately jumped to Blizz's defense on this, mostly because I felt the system was originally unfair.

1.) Anyone whose 90 knows that the sheer amount of reputation and factions is crazy. Upon reaching level 90 you are bombarded with dailies. Having to grind them out to access a couple of Justice Point pieces for each faction seems excessive.  Doing quests for all areas doesn't necessarily bring you to the reputation you need. I think the only Honored reputation I have achieved by sheer questing was The Klaxxi, and even this was well after I hit 90.
2.) You still need to farm Justice Points. Blizzard is not handing out free rares. They still require a form of currency that requires a bit of farming. While factions in the past have offered rares and even epics, that required reputation, they did not require Justice Points, but gold. By combining the two in Mists of Pandaria, you are putting an entirely new bar that is difficult to pass.  They are basically just replacing one requirement with another, but people fail to see that.
3.) Dailies and quests are the only way to gain reputation for these factions. There are no tabards and as far as I know, dungeons don't give rep the way they did in BC. 
4.) Blizzard is a company. They are going to cater to the "casuals" because Blizzard wants money and "casuals" make up something like 80-90% of their player base. Sorry, and you can accuse Blizz of being rich greedy bastards, but the reality is that money makes the world go round, allows them to maintain the game and help them create new ones. It also pays for people to live. You know...

So the conversation was basically me saying the above and them getting to a point where they flat out ignored me. They start boo-hooing and comparing the situation to getting a college degree. QQ I went to college but it don't mean nothing, only the connections I make. I work hard but people who have better connections then me get better jobs. The part about connections is partially true, but being educated can still be extremely beneficial. Companies will still, in most cases, choose a college degree over a high school one. And what is this about working hard. People who make connections might work really hard in finding them and maintaining them. Some people bullshit their way through college and don't work hard at all. It's life people. It's unfair. 
Despite the money and time I have put into my degree, its definitely not something I will regret, even if I'm still working my retail job for years to come. I've learned a lot and I want that for my children. I need to set an example.

I think the real question here is why did Blizzard even try this system out if they were going to hotfix it so quickly. I mean, sure this entire expansion has the feel of "Well...there wasn't enough endgame in Cata you say?!?!?! BWAHHAAHHAHAH HERE YA GO!" but setting a bar on earning gear seemed a bit odd. I understand having rep or justice points but both seemed excessive. It definitely didn't surprise me when Blizz changed it. It has nothing to do with giving gear to lazy players. Some players might run one dungeon but with good luck, get the drops they need. This solution to a problem is something, really noone should be freaking out over. It's not even epic gear.  

Ultimately, one of the guys asked where he could do Shado-Pan dailies. I told him they didn't unlock until after he reached Revered with The Golden Lotus. He immediately cried "bullshit" and stormed off(line). 

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