Lots of pictures. :)
Hunger Games Casting
The movie is on full blown casting spree at the moment. One of the most interesting things about this movie is that they are casting a ton of unknowns in most of their roles. Granted some of the Tributes play a smaller role, but important Tributes such as Rue and Thresh, have so far been relatively unknown.
There are a couple exceptions. Glimmer is popular soap actress and Grey's Anatomy guest, Leven Rambin. Paula Malcomson, from Deadwood, Lost, and Caprica, is Mrs. Everdeen. And I have just discovered that Elizabeth Banks has been cast as Effie.
So what do you guys think? Is it safe for Hunger Games to cast relatively unknowns and newly minted stars. Twilight went the same route and they were successful (clearly). However, I think Twilight's popularity bypasses Hunger Games 100 to 1. There's also the whole sappy love story aspect. I'm sure the Hunger Games movie will highly play up the love triangle, just like they did for the books, but in all honesty, the love triangle isn't much of a triangle.
I'm concerned that they are following the Twilight road a little too much. Love triangle emphasis, unknowns casted, except for the main characters (although I think Taylor Lautner was slightly less known back before those shirtless days). I love Hunger Games because it pulls away from Twilight's massive hysteria. The story is much more complex and less girl fantasy, and I can appreciate that. I hope they don't mess it up.
Do you recognize any of these people? yeah me neither. No that is not Willow Smith.
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Courtesy of Hunger Games Movies Facebook Page |
Speaking of Jennifer Lawrence
X-men First Class Trailer
Two new trailers have hit the web. The first is of course, a silly trailer that offers the same old scenes and lines, but capitalizing on Jennifer Lawrence's new fame. Yawn! Let's start a campaign for more January Jones scenes! I would like to reiterate that the movie is supposed to be about Professor X and Magento, NOT all about Mystique and her apparent romance with Beast...Yeah who knew. I hope they don't make them the parents of Nightcrawler, considering Nightcrawler's canon father is also in the movie, Azazel. It would also throw off the X-men movie trilogy already out, since canonically, this is a prequel.
The second trailer is the International trailer, and once again, offers the same old scenes, but a few new ones. More January Jones! But no. It was actually my favorite trailer of the movie so far; it's moving the right way and emphasizes what I think the movie is about, Professor X and Magneto. Oh oh oh! And did you see Banshee?!?! I sure did! Neat!
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yeah, it's the face. no receding forehead can save this look. I think her eyes are too close together. |
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Rebecca Romijin. look beyond the boobs. Her face just looks better. |
I am so excited to see Immortals, a movie about Theseus, who was a Greek hero. Hot and sexy Henry Cavill plays the dashing Greek, with ugly hot guy Mickey Rourke as his nemesis, King Hyperion. Freida Pinto and Kellan Lutz also star. The trailer is kinda corny, with the flashy lights and the silly sandals, but it still gets me excited. I really hope this isn't another Clash of the Titans/Troy debauchery of Greek Mythology! I will still go see this because Henry Cavill is so enchantingly good looking. He is, after all the new Superman.
Some little tid bits about Mr. Cavill. He was the original choice of Stephanie Meyers for Edward. Yeah! He was too old though. haha, I'm glad he avoided it.
Will & Kate
I think you should all try and watch a little bit of Will & Kate's wedding. I know the hooplah about it has been maybe a bit much, and definitely over-hyped, but this is truly going to be a worldwide event. My mom remembers watching Diana's wedding, and sadly I remember watching her funeral with my mom. It's just one of those worldwide events that even though we may not feel some sort of national pride, it's still a relevant story that is connecting hundreds worldwide.
Plus, I really like Kate Middleton. She's classy, gorgeous, but seems really down to earth. I'm happy for her.
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