Don't you love the weird levels I decide to review :).
I've been slacking a little on Rift. I tend to lose interest if I'm just questing kind of fast. That and if an Invasion comes storming through late at night, meaning it won't get completed, I tend to just log. Lately it seems there are far too many invasions where we fail just as we're almost done. Like, only need one more Rift closed or have three invasions left to kill, but instead the wardstones fall. Yeah, that's not depressing.
I have most fun when I'm with everyone. I didn't get to play with them a lot recently because of work and Easter, but the last couple of nights we've been running stuff together, doing invasions and finishing up some group quests. Instant running has been pretty fun. The bosses are hard enough, but at the same time, doable, even though me and our healer were a couple levels from yellow mobs.
I really like Chloromancer as a healing spec, but with the way I am leveling and the things I do with my group, I am finding that it has one serious weakness/flaw. If mobs are not my level, or at least in yellow range, then I cannot solo heal the instance. And considering that half my usual running mates are a few levels higher then me, I find myself seeing Resisted quite a bit. It certainly is frustrating.
Once you hit about 38, the leveling areas start to branch out. Up until then, it has been incredibly linear. There are certain areas or certain levels, and while the levels of the areas may overlap, in general, the gap has been fairly large, about 5 levels. Now, as I get closer and closer to 50, the gap seems to have been narrowed to about 2-3 levels. At 40, you can go to Droughtlands, finish Moonglade Highlands, or Iron Pine Peaks. I've also found that levels of the quest kind of jump around. You can do some quests at higher 30s in Droughtlands, but then there's a gap where you have to wait a couple levels before you can take on the 43 quests. You then journey to Moonglade or Iron Pine Peaks. Then you out grow those quests and move back. Then you go back again.
We did an instance, Runic Descent, which takes place in a beautiful garden. It's very Japanese, cherry blossom trees grace the ruins and gentle petals continuously rain down on you. There's a small pool fed by a waterfall, where the sun glistens through the trees. Absolutely stunning.
The other instances are all well made as well, but remind me of different movies. One reminded me of running around the ewok village in the Return of the Jedi. Silly stuff. A lot of the dungeons seem like they're outside, but you can't mount.
I do miss the lore of WoW, as well as the quest variation. A lot of Rift is the usual grind, and the lore is interesting, but I'm not that into it. Asha Catari, Defiant female leader, is kind of like Sylvanas. Asha was killed, then in death, was tortured by Regulos in hopes of getting her on his side. She is brought back to life as an Ascended, but not after developing a huge grudge against Regulos. She's out for revenge. That doesn't sound familiar at all. Clearly, WoW has the advantage of having a long standing lore that came from a couple games previous to WoW, and then 3 more expansions. Rift has yet to develop that strong standing. All gameplay aside, the lore of WoW is unbeatable. It's complex, interesting, and has a fine line with right and wrong. I hope Rift can create a world just as rich.
As I edge closer to 50, I begin to wonder what I will be doing. Raiding, since 10 mans were announced, is not entirely out of the question for me anymore. However, I'm not sure my laptop is up to the task; We did an invasion last night, and I could barely move during the final boss killing. It was bad.
Maybe if I lower my settings?
I kind of miss WoW's UI. I loved UI building and I miss my Vuhdo. Yes, I am reliant on addons. Oh noes!
I miss my druid and is direct heals. I do sometimes regret making a mage, simply because I'm limited to Chloromancer. I love Chloromancer; it's so fun and when I can hit stuff, it's a lot more different and unique. However, I wish I had more direct heals that Cleric offers.
I wonder if I should resubscribe. I feel like if I did, I'd find myself bored pretty fast and leave WoW quickly. I look at scenes of old WotLK days, and there was lots to do and everything was a lot of fun. Cataclysm simply doesn't have enough. Although I think they added more archaeology items. Ruh roh... Intrigue.
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